Death of Her Breath

That feathery touch of her fingers dropping into a sluggish serpentine track on my chest, and circling around my aroused nipples, that curling toes and pressing her breasts on my chest to match our heights, that urgency of her soft lips into mine, that mist of her visible breath – lingering, mingling, filling my nose…

The One

She was a ‘no compromise’ girl, Like a glittering broken pearl on an oceanic skirt, Her laughter was the clink of glasses, And her cries were the melody of a dream’s dirt, The-will-o’-the-wisp were her courage and fear, Her dreams were intertwined in her hair, She was in quest to hunt down the stars, But…

Take you home

If the clouds are heavy on you, If the wind is wildly blue, If all the people make you invisible, And you feel lovelorn, Tumble in my arms, I’ll take you home, If the sobs are on a longer stay, If smiles constantly betray, Days are dark and nights so gray, And you feel lovelorn,…

You pollute her pollen

Your bigoted stare upon her skin Etiolate the shine of her nail-paint, The glitter of her eyes is often chained In your conceited masculinity,   The pollen of her perfume Is afraid to float free in the breeze, Her vivacious laugher is bolted down, And her soul is in deep-freeze,   The whistle of your…

Sane till tomorrow

Stretch our veins till empyreal realm, Scratch a track for barren broken dreams, Stick our nails in skulls of martyrs, And crack apertures, reach their memories, Then call us lunatics, For we hunt apathy and dread, Be better than fanatics: bloodcrows indeed, And treasure humanity, Vociferate for what we loved and lost, Get drenched in…

So Gone

I miss your warm words tumble down my throat, reach the bottom of my psyche, and melt with a long hiss. I miss your long bare legs dressed in moisture, smoky mascara eyes, and lips eager for a kiss. This wind blows through me our awesome time, and I feel vulnerable amid rousing sputtering sensation…

Hello (Update on Together Never)

Hello, Friends   So I finally finished the fourteen-month marathon writing. It had been quiet a journey from draft-1 to draft-2 to draft-3. Yes, I know it was a long duration, but this book wasn’t even a baby. I realized that I wrote over 350,000 words to get the final draft of around 150,000 words….